
Electronics Enthusiast

Research Projects

(2017 – 2019) Ergonomic Posture Monitoring and Analysis

Published June 2019

Morris, K., Zhao, M., Lam, J., Jacobsen, G., Horgan, S., & Talke, F. E. (2019, June). A Wearable Neck Measurement Device and Monitoring System to Improve Ergonomic Performance of Surgeons. In Information Storage and Processing Systems (vol. 59124, p. V001T09A002). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

(2019 – Present) UWB Localization

Published Sep 2021

Zhao, M., Chang, T., Arun, A., Ayyalasomayajula, R., Zhang, C., & Bharadia, D. (Under major revision). ULoc: Low-Power, Scalable and cm-Accurate UWB-Tag Localization and Tracking for Indoor Applications. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. 5, 3, Article 140 (September 2021),

Class Projects

(2020) Pinball Machine — Arcade pinball machine game made real GitHub

(2019) AutoPark — Fully automated parking garage model with 3 floors GitHub

(2018) Tubular Robot (Displayed in front of UCSD ECE Student Affairs office) GitHub

(2017) EMG(Electromyography) Bluetooth Game Controller

(2016) Line Following Robot

(2016) Audio Amplifier from scratch

Hackathon / Competition Projects

FacialRecognitionDoorbell — Display name of registered guests when they ring the bell (24 hours at Hard Hack 2017) GitHub

FaceNews — A news app that watches your mood (36 hours at LA Hacks 2017) Devpost, GitHub

SmartHomeSecurity — Unlock any doors with your authorized face (24 hours at Hard Hack 2018) GitHub

Webroot Snake Game AI — An AI that automatically plays snake game strategically competing with 3 other opponents (10 hours at Webroot Hack 2018, 15th out of 212) DemoGitHub

TrustMe — Make promises with people real, using DocuSign (36 hours at SD Hacks 2018) DevpostGitHub

TrustCart — Voice-controlled smart shopping cart to help finding any grocery (24 hours at Hard Hack 2019) Devpost, GitHub

SafeRoute — Find the safest way to get around LA at night, backed by LA crime data (36 hours at LA Hacks 2019, Honorable Mention: Site 101 Big Data Award) Devpost, GitHub

EasyStrollSmart walker to help Parkson’s patients walking, and their caretakers to track them (3 months at UCSD ECE Design Competition 2019) GitHub

BullyGuard — A bot that utilizes machine learning to detect cyberbullying (36 hours at SD Hacks 2019, Best Use of AWS AI/ML Services 1stDevpost, GitHub

Individual Self-funded Projects

FightMem — A smart, customized Ebbinghaus Quizzing / Flash Cards App built with PyQt5 (Github)